Breakpoint Condition | dB | | | |
Step Over | dO | | | |
Up | dk | | | |
Down | dj | | | |
Restore Last Session | ql | | | |
Restore Session | qs | | | |
Don’t Save Current Session | qd | | | |
Quickfix List (Trouble) | xQ | | | |
Location List (Trouble) | xL | | | |
Workspace Diagnostics (Trouble) | xX | | | |
Document Diagnostics (Trouble) | xx | | | |
Oil buffer | no | | | |
Options | so | | | |
Jump to Mark | sm | | | |
Man Pages | sM | | | |
Key Maps | sk | | | |
Search Highlight Groups | sH | | | |
Help Pages | sh | | | |
Grep (cwd) | sG | | | |
Grep (root dir) | sg | | | |
Workspace diagnostics | sD | | | |
Document diagnostics | sd | | | |
Commands | sC | | | |
Command History | sc | | | |
Buffer | sb | | | |
Auto Commands | sa | | | |
Recent | fr | | | |
Command History | : | | | |
Grep (root dir) | / | | | |
Switch Buffer | , | | | |
Find Files (root dir) | | | | |
Goto Symbol (Workspace) | sS | | | |
Goto Symbol | ss | | | |
Colorscheme with preview | uC | | | |
Word (cwd) | sW | | | |
Word (root dir) | sw | | | |
Resume | sR | | | |
Delete Buffer (Force) | bD | | | |
Delete Buffer | bd | | | |
Replace in files (Spectre) | sr | | | |
| Tm | | | |
| Tl | | | |
| Tb | | | |
| Tr | | | |
Dismiss all Notifications | un | | | |
| cm | | | |
Todo | st | | | |
Todo/Fix/Fixme | sT | | | |
Todo/Fix/Fixme (Trouble) | xT | | | |
Todo (Trouble) | xt | | | |
Dap UI | du | | | |
Eval | de | | | |
| oz | lua require("zen-mode").toggle() | | |
| lx | (vimtex-reload) | | |
| lv | (vimtex-view) | | |
| lt | (vimtex-toc_open) | | |
| ls | (vimtex-toggle-main) | | |
| lq | (vimtex-log) | | |
| lo | (vimtex-compile-output) | | |
| lm | (vimtex-impas-list) | | |
| ll | (vimtex-compile) | | |
| lk | (vimtex-stop) | | |
| li | (vimtex-info) | | |
| lg | (vimtex-status) | | |
| le | (vimtex-error) | | |
| lc | (vimtex-clean-full) | | |
| la | (vimtex-context-menu) | | |
| lX | (vimtex-reload-state) | | |
| lT | (vimtex-toc-toggle) | | |
| lL | (vimtex-compile-selected) | | |
| lK | (vimtex-stop-all) | | |
| lI | (vimtex-info-full) | | |
| lG | (vimtex-status-all) | | |
| lC | (vimtex-clean-full) | | |
status | gs | | | |
| gp | G push | | |
| gh | vert bo help fugitive | | |
| gl | G log | | |
| gd | G diff | | |
commits | gc | | | |
| gP | G pull | | |
| 2 | gaip= | | |
| 1 | gaip=, | | |
| 0 | gaip*, | | |
| kwiki | Dispatch! tmux kill-session -t wiki | | |
| kvim | Dispatch! tmux kill-session -t vim | | |
| ksoup | Dispatch! tmux kill-session -t soup | | |
| kssh | Dispatch! tmux kill-session -t ssh | | |
| kkjv | Dispatch! tmux kill-session -t kjv | | |
| kbash | Dispatch! tmux kill-session -t bash | | |
| kao | Dispatch! tmux kill-session -t ao | | |
| twiki | Dispatch!ao wiki | | |
| tvim | Dispatch!ao vim | | |
| tsoup | Dispatch!ao soup | | |
| tssh | Dispatch!ao ssh | | |
| tkjv | Dispatch!ao kjv | | |
| tbash | Dispatch!ao bash | | |
| tao | Dispatch!ao ao | | |
| gu | call GenerateUmlDiagram | | |
| fy | TodoTelescope keywords=Youtube,URL | | |
| Ls | Telescope lsp_document_symbols | | |
| LS | Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols | | |
| go | Telescope git_status | | |
| gb | Telescope git_branches | | |
| gC | Telescope git_commits | | |
| fw | Telescope grep_string | | |
| fp | Telescope planets | | |
| fo | Telescope oldfiles | | |
| fm | Telescope marks | | |
| fl | Telescope resume | | |
| fk | Telescope keymaps | | |
| fi | lua require('telescope').extensions.media_files.media_files() | | |
| fh | Telescope help_tags | | |
| fg | Telescope live_grep | | |
Find Files (root dir) | ff | | | |
| fd | Telescope diagnostics | | |
Buffers | fb | | | |
| fS | Telescope colorscheme | | |
Recent (cwd) | fR | | | |
| fO | Telescope oldfiles | | |
| fM | Telescope man_pages | | |
Find Files (cwd) | fF | | | |
| fC | Telescope commands | | |
| nr | Neotree show | | |
| nf | Neotree focus | | |
| dU | lua require("dapui").toggle() | | |
| Ds | lua require("osv").launch({ port = 8686}) | | |
| Dd | lua require("osv").run_this() | | |
Widgets | dw | | | |
Terminate | dt | | | |
Toggle REPL | dr | | | |
Session | ds | | | |
| dq | lua require("dap").close() | | |
Pause | dp | | | |
Step Out | do | | | |
Run Last | dl | | | |
Step Into | di | | | |
Go to line (no execute) | dg | | | |
| dd | lua require("dap").disconnect() | | |
Continue | dc | | | |
Toggle Breakpoint | db | | | |
Run to Cursor | dC | | | |
| nh | NoiceHistory | | |
| ne | NoiceErrors | | |
| aa | Alpha | | |
| % | (MatchitNormalForward) | | |
Nvim builtin | & | :&& | | |
Flash Treesitter | S | | | |
Nvim builtin | Y | y$ | | |
| [% | (MatchitNormalMultiBackward) | | |
Prev Reference | [[ | | | |
Previous trouble/quickfix item | [q | | | |
Previous todo comment | [t | | | |
| ]% | (MatchitNormalMultiForward) | | |
Next Reference | ]] | | | |
Next trouble/quickfix item | ]q | | | |
Next todo comment | ]t | | | |
| g% | (MatchitNormalBackward) | | |
| ga | (EasyAlign) | | |
Flash | s | | | |
| y | :call setreg(v:register, fugitive#Object(@%)) | | |
| | | gaip* | |
| (MatchitNormalMultiForward) | :call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "n") | | |
| (MatchitNormalMultiBackward) | :call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "n") | | |
| (MatchitNormalBackward) | :call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'n') | | |
| (MatchitNormalForward) | :call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'n') | | |
| fugitive: | | | |
| fugitive:y | :call setreg(v:register, fugitive#Object(@%)) | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
Increment selection | | | | |
| | Neotree toggle | | |
| | lua require("dap").step_out() | | |
| | lua require("dap").step_into() | | |
| | lua require("dap").step_over() | | |
| | lua require("dap").continue() | | |
Nvim builtin | | nohlsearch | diffupdate | normal! |